unsigned char mzUint8
1 Byte data type
unsigned long int mzUint32
4 Byte data type
monoZ Register and Deregister
Enumeration of monoZ Error Flags.
monoZ Public All peripheral Configurations will send to monoZ library through this file
Define UART on its state.
void MZ_HAL_UART_IRQHandler(uint8_t uart_no)
This function defines the Global Interrupt handler functions for UART.
mz_error_t MZ_UART_Transmit(uint8_t uart_no, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
This function is used to transmit data using UART in polling mode.
MZ_UART_BTYPE_PTR MZ_UART_reference(en_uart_no uart_no)
This function returns the address of the specific UART.
mz_error_t MZ_UART_register_intr_cb_tx(uint8_t uart_no, _uart_api cb)
This function registers the TX complete callback function for the specific UART.
mz_error_t MZ_UART_Transmit_IT(uint8_t uart_no, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)
This function is used to transmit data using UART in interrupt mode.
MZ_UART_BTYPE_PTR MZ_UART_get_base_address(void)
This function returns the base address of the internal UART context.
mz_error_t MZ_UART_Receive(uint8_t uart_no, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
This function is used to receive data using UART in polling mode.
mz_error_t MZ_UART_init(MZ_UART_INIT_PTR _cfg)
This function initializes the specific UART.
mz_error_t MZ_UART_register_callback(uint8_t uart_no, _uart_api cb)
This function registers the event callback function for the specific UART.
mz_error_t MZ_UART_register_intr_cb_rx(uint8_t uart_no, _uart_api cb)
This function registers the RX complete callback function for the specific UART.
mz_error_t MZ_UART_Receive_IT(uint8_t uart_no, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)
This function is used to receive data using UART in interrupt mode.
Structure for monoZ UART Initialization parameters.
Structure for UART Handling and API events.
UART_HandleTypeDef _handler
_uart_api UART_ev_call_back
Structure for UART state Handler.
UART_HandleTypeDef * uart_ptr