16#define MZ_IFNULLGOCLEAN(X) do{if(0 == X) goto clean;}while(0);
17#define MZ_IFNOTNULLGOCLEAN(X) do{if(0 != X) goto clean;}while(0);
19 do{_ret = X; if(MZ_OK != _ret)goto clean;}while(0);
21#define __INTERNAL static
24#include "stm32l4xx_hal.h"
32typedef void (*
void *);
129#define MZ_VAR_NOINIT __attribute__((section(".mz_RamBlock_noinit")))
130#define MZ_VAR_INIT __attribute__((section(".mz_RamBlock_init")))
131#define MZ_VAR_CONST __attribute__((section(".mz_const_section")))
132#define MZ_FUN __attribute__((section(".mz_FunctionBlock")))
133#define MZ_VAR_CONFIG __attribute__((section(".mz_config_table")))
Configuration of monoZ Board This file defines the Hardware and Software features enabled in monoZ Li...
signed long int mzSint32
4 Byte data type
signed long long mzSint64
8 Byte data type
unsigned char mzUint8
1 Byte data type
unsigned long int mzUint32
4 Byte data type
signed short int mzSint16
2 Byte data type
_mz_fp mz_fn
1 Byte data type
signed char mzSint8
1 Byte data type
long int mzInt32
4 Byte data type
monoZ Register and Deregister
unsigned long long mzUint64
8 Byte data type
short int mzInt16
2 Byte data type
unsigned short int mzUint16
2 Byte data type
char mzInt8
1 Byte data type
long long mzInt64
8 Byte data type