Configuration of monoZ Board This file defines the Hardware and Software features enabled in monoZ Li...
unsigned long int mzUint32
4 Byte data type
Enumeration of monoZ Error Flags.
Enables the monoZ flash operations.
monoZ system CMSIS OS2 This is an abstraction layer and includes FreeRTOS configuration,...
mz_error_t mz_f_store(st_mz_flash *_ctx, mzUint32 Write_addr, const void *data, mzUint32 size)
This function is used to write and store the data in flash memory.
mz_error_t mz_f_erase_ctx_relative_page_no(st_mz_flash *_ctx, mzUint32 page_no)
This function erases particular page in flash memory.
mz_error_t mz_f_init(st_mz_flash *_ctx, mzUint32 _addr, mzUint32 _n_page)
This function to initialize the flash.
mz_error_t mz_f_erase_full(st_mz_flash *_ctx)
This function erases full flash memory.
Structure for monoZ Flash.
mzUint32 no_of_bank_pages