14#define START_AT_INIT (0)
15#define START_AT_THREAD (1)
19#define TIMER_APP_STACK_SIZE (128)
54 mz_puts(
"Timer Created and started at Application \r\n");
111 mz_puts(
"Timer Created and started at Initialization \r\n");
Enumeration of monoZ Error Flags.
monoZ system CMSIS OS2 This is an abstraction layer and includes FreeRTOS configuration,...
osSemaphoreId_t mz_semaphore_t
mz_semaphore_t variable of type osSemaphoreId_t
osThreadId_t mz_thread_t
mz_thread_t variable of type osThreadId_t
This file contains APIs for create,delete,start and stop of timers. Maximum 5 timers can be created....
static StackType_t timer_stack[TIMER_APP_STACK_SIZE]
static mz_thread_t timer_thread_id
static StaticTask_t timer_cb_mem
Defines the App stack size.
static void timer_app(void *arg)
create the timer and start when the starts if main RTOS scheduler started
static void timer_cb(TimerHandle_t xTimer)
timer callback function Unlock the lock when timer expires
mz_error_t timer_app_init(void)
Initiate the Timer App and creates the thread for timer application.
static mz_semaphore_t timer_sema_id
This is an example of how to use a timer and print in CLI using Application thread.
int mz_puts(void *__ch)
This function prints the given string.
uint8_t mz_sem_create(mz_semaphore_t *c, uint8_t cnt, uint8_t init)
This function is used to create and initialize the semaphore object Create and Initialize a Semaphore...
uint8_t mz_thread_create(mz_thread_t *t, const char *name, mz_fn thread_func, void *const arg, mz_thread_prio_t prio, StackType_t *stack_mem, size_t stack_size, StaticTask_t *cb_mem, uint32_t cb_size)
This function is used to check the message queue object validity Create a thread and add it to Active...
mz_error_t mz_tm_create_start_recursive(char *_name, TickType_t _tick, mz_tm_cb _cb)
Function to Create and Start One Shot Timers.