monoZ docs
Device Include | -For monoZ Device Include API refer MZ_device_include.h file |
Error Handler | -For monoZ Error Handler API refer MZ_error_handler.h file |
GPIO | -For monoZ GPIO refer MZ_gpio.h file |
I2C | -For monoZ I2C refer MZ_i2c.h file |
Interrupt Handler | -For monoZ Interupt Handler refer MZ_it.h file |
Lwm2m Protocol | -For monoZ LWM2M Protocol refer MZ_Lwm2m_public.h file |
Mailbox | -For mail Box related APIs refer MZ_sys_cmsis_os2.h file |
Main | -For main function of the Application refer MZ_main.h file |
Memory Management | -For monoZ memory Allocation refer MZ_sys_cmsis_os2.h file |
Modem | -For monoZ Modem refer MZ_Modem_public.h file |
Murata AT Command | For AT commands of MURATA refer MZ_Murata_AT_include.h file.Please click here for General AT API usage |
Mutex | -For mutex related APIs refer MZ_sys_cmsis_os2.h file |
-For monoZ Print API refer MZ_print.h file | |
RTC | -For monoZ real time clock operations refer MZ_sys_cmsis_os2.h file |
SPI | -For monoZ SPI refer MZ_spi.h file |
Semaphore | -For semaphore related APIs refer MZ_sys_cmsis_os2.h file |
System | -For status of system refer MZ_sys_cmsis_os2.h file |
Thread | -For CMSIS thread related APIs refer MZ_sys_cmsis_os2.h file |
Timer | -For monoZ timer operations refer MZ_timer.h file |
Type Conversion | -For data type conversion APIs refer MZ_type_converter.h file |
UART | -For monoZ UART handler refer MZ_uart.h file |
Version | -For checking monoZ version refer MZ_version.h file |
monoZ Flash | -For monoZ Flash APIs refer MZ_flash.h file |