monoZ docs
Wireless Module Config

Wireless Module tab

Depending on the selected monoZero board, monoZ SDK libraries are available for 2 SIM types namely IP, NIDD which can be configured in wireless module tab based on user requirements.

1. SIM type - IP

User can configure the following module settings in this tab

  • SIM type         : IP
  • APN              : user APN Name
  • IP type          : IP/ IPV6/ IPV4V6
  • Auth Type        : NULL/PAP/CHAP
  • APN Username     : user APN user ID
  • APN Password     : user APN password
  • UE Category      : Cat.M1/ Cat.NB1

2. SIM type - NIDD

User can configure the following module settings in this tab

  • SIM type                 : NIDD
  • UE Category              : Cat.NB1

Click here to configure the Protocols.