monoZ docs

Objectives of Example

  1. Demonstrate how to create a simple recursive Timer using monoZ_Lib
  2. Demonstrate how to create a Application Thread using monoZ_Lib
  3. Demonstrate how to send and receive data in polling mode I2C using monoZ_Lib.
  4. Sources for this example :
    • MZ_Addon_board_UV .c - Main Application file
    • MZ_Addon_board_UV .h
    • MZ_Addon_board_Si1133_i2c .c - i2c driver file
    • MZ_Addon_board_Si1133_i2c .h
    • MZ_Addon_Si1133 .c - Si1133 sensor driver file
    • MZ_Addon_Si1133 .h
  5. Other Linked files
    • MZ_hardware_config .c - Hardware Driver integration file
    • MZ_modem_config .c - Modem command integration file

1. monoZ_Lib context Setup

There are certain context variables provided by user to initialize all the context required by the monoZ_Lib.
i. Hardware related context[Mandatory]
ii. Modem related context[Optional]

i. Hardware related context

The definitions of all hardware context variables are present in “MZ_public.h” header file. The sample template for using is also provided in the same header file.

a. Main context variable

User must create this context variable for successful use of the library. In case the context variable is not created by user, The monoZ_Lib will not initialize and a linker error will occur.

  • monoZ Click tool user

    Incase using tool, this variable is created and placed in "MZ_hardware_config.c"

    Ambient light Sample code implementation

    extern MZ_I2C_INIT_ST uv_i2c2_instance;
    uart_enable uart_enable_cfg =
        .u3 = MZI_UART3,
        .u3p = 0,
        .lu1 = MZI_LPUART1,
        .lu1p = &uv_i2c2_instance,
    i2c_enable i2c_enable_cfg =
        .i2 = MZI_I2C2,
        .i2p = &uv_i2c2_instance,
        .i4 = MZI_I2C4,
        .i4p = 0,

b. I2C2 Peripheral context variable

User must create the peripheral context variable for the desired interface and use it in Main context variable. In case of the UV Addon board, it uses I2C2 interface for sensor communication. monoZ_Lib takes all I2C2 related initialization context through “uart_enable_cfg“ context variable. For the UV application, we need to define a peripheral context variable. Let’s say “uv_i2c2_instance”.

  • monoZ Click tool user

    Incase using tool, this variable is created and placed in "MZ_Addon_board_UV.c"

    Ambient light Sample code implementation

    MZ_I2C_INIT_ST uv_i2c2_instance =
        .Instance = MZ_ADDONUV_INSTANCE,
        .Init.Timing = MZ_ADDONUV_INIT_TIMING,
        .Init.OwnAddress1 = MZ_ADDONUV_INIT_OWNADDRESS1,
        .Init.AddressingMode = MZ_ADDONUV_INIT_ADDRESSINGMODE,
        .Init.DualAddressMode = MZ_ADDONUV_INIT_DUALADDRESSMODE,
        .Init.OwnAddress2 = MZ_ADDONUV_INIT_OWNADDRESS2,
        .Init.OwnAddress2Masks = MZ_ADDONUV_INIT_OWNADDRESS2MASKS,
        .Init.GeneralCallMode = MZ_ADDONUV_INIT_GENERALCALLMODE,

ii. Modem related context

User must create the modem context functions if wish to initialize modem with specific configuration. There are 2 function definitions present to provide flexibility. The names of the function are fixed. User need to define the function with this exact name. Prototype of the functions are as follows:

  • void mz_reset_sequence (void * arg) This function will execute all ATcommands required to initialize modem during Power ON.
  • void mz_reboot_sequence (void * arg) This function will execute all ATcommands required to initialize modem during Wakeup.
  • Here we are setting the configurations like power saving mode,Device Configurations and its control settings.
  • Also the time out for a particular API can also be defined and even the duration between API consecutive hits can be specified.
  • Access point can be defined to which we need to use.
  • LWM2M configurations are been defined and set using the AT commands. LWM2M commands are been set with different input params.
  • Device has been rebooted using Z AT command and and board is reinitialized using AT command. Once the Device is reinitialized, set of AT commands like AT command initialization, registration and reading the Clock value.
  • LWM2M initialization is done and command is issued.

Note: User must define the desired AT commands need to be executed during these actions.

  • monoZ Click tool user

    Incase using tool, these functions are created and placed in "MZ_modem_config.c"

    Ambient light Sample code implementation

    void mz_reset_sequence(void * arg)
    Void mz_reboot_sequence(void * arg)
    1. In case no context function is defined by user, a default context is taken by monoZ_Lib to initialize the modem.
    2. In case blank context function is defined by user, Modem will be on without any initialization.
    3. In case of user wish to use any protocol related feature, its mandatory to define the context by user.

2. monoZ_Lib Initialization and start

User must initialize the monoZ_Lib before it can start using the library features. The monoZ Library can be initialized using the API MZ_init (). “MZ_main. h” header file provides a sample use of how to initialize the library.

  • monoZ Click tool user

    Incase using tool, monoZ Library initialization code is placed inside main() API present in "main.c"

    Ambient light Sample code implementation

    mz_version ver = {
            ._major = MZ_SW_VERSION_MAJOR,
            ._minor = MZ_SW_VERSION_MINOR,
            ._patch = MZ_SW_VERSION_PATCH
    if(MZ_OK != MZ_init(&ver))
    The initialization function should be called prior to FreeRTOS kernel initialization.

3. Application creation and start

The UV Application initialization is done before the Main FreeRTOS kernel starts. User must create a user application using the monoZ Library API’s.

  • monoZ Click tool user

    Incase using tool, the code is generated and placed in MZ_Addon_board_CO2. c and the code is called within main in "main.c"

    Ambient light Sample code implementation

    • The UV main user application function
        Static void uv_app(void * arg)

    • The UV main user application initialization function
        mz_error_t uv_app_init(void)
            /* Create the UV application thread */
            if(!mz_thread_create(   &uv_thread_id,"UV reading app",uv_app,NULL,osPriorityNormal,uv_stack,UV_APP_STACK_SIZE,&uv_cb_mem,sizeof(uv_cb_mem)))
                _ret = MZ_THREAD_CREATE_FAIL;

    • The UV main user application initialization function called from main.c
        /* creation of user task */
        if(MZ_OK != uv_app_init())
    The user application must be created after FreeRTOS Kernel initialization and before FreeRTOS main scheduler start to avoid delay in application start. It will ensure the user application starts at the time of FreeRTOS scheduler starts.

4. Application process

User must design the application based on requirements. Following is the High-level requirement considered for building the Addon-board UV example.

  • Application should read data.
  • Application should send and receive the data in polling mode i2c using monoZ lib.

Ambient light Sample code implementation

A. Application should read and send the data

  • Create and start the timer
      if(MZ_OK == mz_tm_create_start_recursive(   "UV Read timer",UV_READ_TIME,uv_read_timer_cb))
          /* initialize the Si1133 sensor */
          sensor_init = SI1133_init();
          if(SI_OK == sensor_init)
              mz_puts("SENSOR Initialization complete...\r\n");

  • Call back function is provided while creating timer, this call back will be called by monoZ Library when the timer expires.
      static void uv_read_timer_cb(TimerHandle_t xTimer)
          mz_puts("Timer expires - start read of Si1133 sensor\r\n");
          /* Set the timer expired flag */
          timer_expiry_flag = 1;

  • Need to check the timer expiry flag periodically in UV main application, read the Ambient light intensity(lux) and UV index(uvi) and prints on cli.
      if(1 == timer_expiry_flag)
          /* Process the Si1133 sensor read timer expire event */