monoZ docs
This document briefs the steps to configure CLI console and to debug user application using PuTTY, an open-source software terminal emulator. User may choose any relevant debug console and configure with similar settings.
Step 1: Connect monoZero to the windows PC via micro-USB, switch power switch to USB to turn on the device. Go to Device Manager-> Ports (COM & LPT) to find the connected port to confirm the connection of device, here COM1 as shown below.
Step 2: Download and open PuTTY.
Step 3: Expand the connection to “Serial” and configure the following fields given below. Serial line to connect to: COM1 (COM Port as seen in device manager)
Step 4: Click Session and click "Serial" radio button and verify whether the port number and the baud rate (115200) match with previous setting. Once verified, press “Open” to launch the CLI interface.
Step 5: Switch the monoZero Input Selector switch towards USB, and enter “AT” followed by Enter to receive “OK”. This confirms the connection between CLI interface and monoZero board.
Step 1: Connect 3pin SWD debugger, micro-USB to monoZero and connect to computer and turn on monoZero. Verify the connection between CLI interface and monoZero through the above section and switch the monoZero Input Selector towards STM.
Step 2: Open user application in STM32CubeIDE and to debug the code, right click on the project file -> Debug As -> 1 STM32 Cortex-M C/C++ Application.
Step 3: After setup, the code sequence can be debugged via the console.